
XML viewer


What is XML, and What is It Used For?

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language (XML). XML is a robust data storage and transfer medium on the web. It is a standard, machine-readable file format used by search engines and other data-munching programs like feed readers. XML stores data in a format that is readable by both machines and humans.

In XML, the tags are not pre-defined. You create your tags. Your motive is not to display the data, but your reason is to store and transfer the data. The data is stored in XML tags. Many computer systems contain data in a non-compatible format. Therefore, data transfer between different systems is time-consuming and results in data loss.

XML simplifies data storage and transport by storing data in plain-text format and facilitating its availability. It helps you structure data for storage and transport and makes it available to all machines and humans.

XML does not use predefined tags.

Let us look at the following example:

Belgian Waffles


Two of our famous Belgian Waffles with plenty of real maple syrup


The tags in the above example, such as,,,, and, are not defined in any XML standard. The author of the XML document introduces these tags.

Difference between XML and HTML

  • XML stands for Extensible Markup Language (XML). Whereas HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
  • HTML is used to create the layout of web pages. In HTML, the tags are pre-defined. Sometimes, we want to transfer data, not display it. XML is used to store and transfer data. In XML, tags are not pre-defined. You can create your own tags. The data is stored in XML tags.
  • In websites, we use both HTML and XML. HTML's focus is on the display of data. Its focus is on how the data looks. Where XML focuses on the transfer of data, it focuses on what the data is.

What can you do with XML Viewer/ XML Formatter?

  • It helps you to display your XML file or string in a tree view.
  • It works as an XML editor.
  • It allows you to upload the XML file.
  • You can even use the "Load Sample Data" option to upload sample data and test the tool.