
Minify HTML

Load From URL


HTML Minification/Compression Online Tool minifies and compresses your HTML file. That results in improving the page speed and better SEO rank.

HTML minification/compression

One task that each programmer performs, after completing the code, and before uploading it, is to minify the code files containing HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Minification of the source code is considered one of the essential methods in improving page speed and reducing bandwidth usage.

HTML minification is the removal of unnecessary elements from the HTML file. These un-needed/extra elements include spaces, commas, comments, the line breaks.

Making the file lighter in size consumes less bandwidth and provides better accessibility. For that, you should minify the source code.

The critical point is that minification does not affect the performance of the code.

Why the minification/compression of the HTML file is essential?

The fundamental question that comes to mind is, should we minify the HTML? Or does minification improve the performance.?

When programmers write code, they add line breaks, spaces, and comments (as clues for future work). The code looks organized, easy to understand, provides quick readability, and gives a navigational map.

But computer machines, browsers, and search engines look at the code from a different angle. For them, these comments, spaces, line breaks are extras. They consider them as an additional element.

And more importantly, each element in the file occupies the space, increasing the file size and results in more bandwidth usage.

The small file size helps consume less bandwidth and provides better accessibility, which results in better page loading speed. The page loading speed is one of the critical factors that shape the user experience— having a good user experience guarantees a better SEO rank. With the minification/compression process, you can reduce the code's size by 50%.

Note: Do not mix minification and Gzip compression. Minification and Gzip compression are different from each other.

How do you compress/minify an HTML file?

You can compress/minify the HTML code, either using the online tools, plugins or rewriting it.

In the case of rewriting the code, there is always a chance of human error. So it is better to use plugins or online tools to perform that function.

You can even un-minify or beautify the minified/compressed HTML code again.

How to minify the HTML code by using the HTML online minification and compression tool?

You can minify the HTML code by doing the following steps.

  • Open an Online HTML Minification/Compression Tool.
  • You can either copy-paste the HTML code, load it from the URL, or use the browser option to upload it.
  • Click on the "Options" button. And select the options from the dropdown, as per your requirements.
  • Click on the "minify" button. The results will be displayed in the "Result" section.
  • You can copy the minified code and paste it into your desired location.

How to use the load sample data option in HTML Minification/Compression Online Tool?

The load sample data option is quite helpful in this way. So that you can check the results that minify tool can provide.

For that,

  • Click on the "load sample data" button.
  • A sample data will be shown on the upper portion.
  • Click the "more option" button to select the options from the dropdown as per your requirements.
  • Click on the "minify" button. The result will be displayed in the "Result" section.

Do we keep a copy of your HTML code?

User privacy is our top priority. We do not keep a copy of the HTML code that the user uploads for the HTML minification process.

But improving the page speed does not depend on the optimization of a single factor. You have to optimize for all the factors that are related to page speed.

Some factors that can improve the page speed are given below:

  • Minify your CSS, HTML, and Javascript code
  • Optimize your images.
  • Better to use the JPG and PNG format.
  • Use caching and Gzip compression.
  • Go for a better hosting provider and adopt the hosting plan as per your requirements.
  • Reduce the number of HTTP requests to the server.
  • Align all CSS files to one CSS file and JS files to one JS file.
  • Load JavaScript asynchronously.