
JSON Validator

JSON Validator—JSONLint is a web-based tool for validating JSON Strings and Objects. Unlike HTML, JSON has strict syntax requirements, so validation of JSON text is necessary, and our online JSON Validation tool can perform validation.

Why do we use JSON files?

The word JSON stands for "JavaScript Object Notation." It is a syntax for storing and transmitting data. The JSON format is often used for serializing and transferring structured data over a network. It is mainly used to send data between a server and web applications. Web services and APIs highly use the JSON format to provide public data.

What are JSON and its advantages?

The JSON has become quite popular and is a preferred format for transferring data because

  • It is a lightweight data-interchange format.
  • A wide range of browsers supports it.
  • Data is stored in arrays to be shared easily. That is why web services and APIs use JSON format to provide public data.
  • The JSON format is popular because it is easy to use, and its syntax is understandable. It is preferred over XML.
  • JSON is fast, as its files take less space and make its execution better and faster.
  • You do not need any complex versions of the code forms, as their syntax is lightweight. This ensures that they are efficiently executed and provide a swift response.

Data types and elements of JSON

In JSON, the objects are enclosed in the curly brackets and are in keys/values format. The keys are the strings, and the values are in the valid JSON format. The ":" sign separates the key and value, and keys/values pairs are separated by the"," (comma) character. You can access the values using a dot or a square bracket notation. And you can access the name key by entering a dot notation.

In JSON, the arrays are similar to those in JS. That can hold a string, numbers, objects, Boolean, null, or extra arrays. In JS, you can add more functions and valid JS expressions. These arrays include multiple values and have an ordered list of values. The array can become a value of an object, and you can easily access it using an index number.

Standards to follow in JSON

There are just a few rules that you need to remember in JSON format:

  • It includes the objects encapsulated within the opening and closing brackets { }.
  • An empty object can be represented by { }.
  • It includes the arrays encapsulated within the opening and closing square brackets [ ].
  • An empty array can be represented by [ ].
  • A key-value pair represents a member.
  • The key of a member should be in double quotes.
  • Each member should have a unique key within an object structure.
  • The value of a member must be in double quotes if it's a string.
  • The boolean values are expressed using the true or false literals in lowercase.
  • The number of values is expressed using a double-precision floating-point form. Scientific notation is supported.
  • The numbers should not have leading zeroes.
  • "Offensive" characters in a string need to be escaped using the backslash character.
  • The null values are represented by the invalid literal in the lower case.
  • Other object types, such as dates, are not correctly supported and should be converted to strings.
  • A comma must follow each member of an object or each array value in JSON format if it's not the last one.
  • The common extension for JSON files is '.json'
  • The mime type for JSON files is 'application/JSON.' in JSON format.

What is a JSON schema?

JSON Schema is a way of standardizing a JSON-based format for defining the structure of JSON data. It was written under the IETF draft, which expired in 2011.

  • JSON Schema describes your existing data format.
  • JSON Schema provides clear, human, and machine-readable documentation.
  • JSON Schema provides complete structural validation, useful for automated testing and validating client-submitted data.

How can the JSON structure be verified through the JSON Validator?

A JSON Validator confirms that your JSON structure meets the standards provided by JavaScript-oriented notation. The JSON format has become quite popular over time and is a preferred method of data transmission. Especially when dealing with a complex data structure, it is preferred that you check whether your data is valid and whether it is providing the desired result.

Douglas Crockford developed the JSON format. It is based on the JavaScript language. The JSON contains elements that are similar to JavaScript.

You can validate your JSON structure by using JSON Validator. Do the following steps.

  • Open the Online JSON Validator.
  • You can copy and paste the JSON code or upload it using the "Load from URL" or "Browse" option.
  • It helps you check the JSON syntax.
  • The tool will automatically detect the problem in the JSON code and highlight the issue.
  • You can upload the sample data to check its working by clicking on the text "Sample" at the top right corner of the tool.