
CSV Escape/Unescape

Load Sample Data

The free online CSV Escape/Unescape tool performs the two main functions.

  • It escapes CSV's reserved characters with corresponding characters to prevent parsing.
  • It unescapes the escaped characters in CSV by returning them to their original ones.

CSV Escape

The following characters are reserved in the CSV string and should be escaped before use.

If the CSV string contains all or any of the following

  • Comma
  • Newline character
  • Double-quotes

It should be enclosed in the double quote.

If the CVS string contains a double quote, it should be escaped with another one.

CSV Unescape

In CSV, the main character is " (double quote), that is, escaped in case of CSV escape. To unescape the CSV string, to bring the escaped CSV string back to its original form, the " (double quote) should be removed.

How do you use the CSV Escape/Unescape Online tool?

For this, do the following steps.

  • Open the CSV Escape/Unescape Online tool.
  • You can copy-paste the CSV code.
  • Click on the "Escape" button.
  • The tool replaces the reserved characters in CSV with their corresponding escaped characters.
  • The resulting code will be provided in the "Result" section.
  • Please copy the code and paste it into the desired location.
  • You can unescape the CSV escaped string by clicking the "Un Escape" button.

How can the Load Sample Data option be used in the CSV Escape/Unescape Online Tool?

Coding is crucial. A slight mistake can sometimes have devastating results. It is always better to have a backup of the code file before proceeding with the escape/unescape process.

The load sample data option is quite helpful in this way. You can check the results that escape/unescape can give.

For that,

  • Click on the "load sample data" button.
  • Sample data will be shown in the upper portion.
  • Click on the "Escape" button to escape the CSV data. The result will be displayed in the "Result" section.
  • Click on the "Un Escape" button to unescape the CSV data. The result will be displayed in the "Result" section.

Do we keep a copy of your source code?

Protecting user trust is our top priority. We do not keep a copy of the source code that the user input into the CSV Escape/Unescape process.