


Instantly converts RGB color value to CMYK color value using a simple online RGB to CMYK color converter tool.

What is RGB?

RGB refers to Red, Green, and Blue. Moreover, these are the primary colors of light. However, the RGB color model is an additive color system; the additive means that the more you add, the more it gets closer to white. The RGB is the primary color of light and is used in monitors, television screens, cameras, and digital cameras.

What is CMYK?

CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key/Black. These four primary colors are used for color image printing.

How does the CMYK color system work?

CMYK refers to Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. These color combinations are used in the press printing process. That is why it is also called full-color printing or four-color printing.

Therefore, the question is why "K" represents the black in CMYK.

As per Wikipedia, in printing, the key plate prints the detail in the image. In four-color printing, the black "Key plate" aligns the other three colors. It also prints and holds the detail in the image. That is why in CMYK, "K" refers to key, the key colors, and it relates to black ink.

CMYK color model is a subtractive color system; the subtractive means that the more you add, the more you get closer to black. The printing machine draws the images by combining these four primary colors to different degrees to get the desired output.

Eagle Printing Ink Company, in 1906, fused the four colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and black for the printing process.

The CMYK is standard in the printing industry and widely accepted by the industry. However, the CMYK color system is generally used on a small scale for doing small jobs. Like in inkjet printers that are mostly found in the house or the offices. The CMYK color system works by combining these four colors in various ways to create a vast range of secondary colors.

But that color system is used in that printing process, where accuracy is not a significant concern. Where you need reasonable accuracy, it is preferred to go to the Pantone color system.


It is essential to know the difference between different color modes because they help plan and optimize your design process stage.

CMYK color system is widely adopted in the project, where you need physical printing. Not want to view the subject on the screen. On the other hand, RGB is the primary color of light and is used in monitors, television screens, cameras, and digital cameras.

Let us explain the whole process with the help of a simple example. You captured the image from your digital camera. Now, you want the hard copy of the color print of that image. As I discussed earlier, the RGB color system is supported in monitors, televisions, cameras, and digital cameras. On the other hand, the printing of the image is not only a small-scale job but can be done from a simple inkjet printer that is available in-house or office. Moreover, that printers support CMYK color codes. Therefore, the conversion from RGB to CMYK color system is necessary to perform the required task.

How to convert the RGB color value to CMYK color value using an online RGB to CMYK color converter?

For converting the RGB color value to CMYK color value, do the following steps.

  • Open the RGB to CMYK color converter online tool.
  • Enter the RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) values in the R, G, and B sections.
  • You can also use the "color palette" for selecting the required color.
  • Click on the "Convert to CMYK" button.
  • It will convert the RGB color value to CMYK color value and gives you the result in the form of (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black) values in C, M, Y, and K sections.
  • Click on the "Copy" button. It will provide you the result in this CMYK (41, 21, 0, 18) format.
  • In the end, a list of a wide range of commonly used colors is given—their name. Hex, RGB, HSV, and CMYK color codes are given in front of each color.
  • The search facility is also provided to search the color by using its color name or, Hex, RGB, HSV, CMYK color codes value.

Note: You can also convert CMYK color value to RGB color value using CMYK to RGB color converter tool.