In the CMYK Color Model, C represents Cyan, M represents Magenta, Y represents Yellow, and B represents Key/Black. These four colors are the primary colors used in the printing press. All the other colors are formed by combining these colors at a different percentage.
The alphabet K is used to define the Black color.
In the RGB Color Model, alphabet B describes blue, and in the CMYK Color Model, the black plate is the key plate on which the other three shades are aligned. To avoid ambiguity regarding blue in the RGB Color Model and because of the vital importance of black in the CMYK Color Model, the alphabet K defines Black.
The CMYK Color Model is a subtractive color model, which means that the more you add, the closer you get to black.
Among the color models, the RGB Color Model is the famous one to mix and create the colors. In the RGB Color Model, the R represents the Red, G represents the Green, and B represents the Blue. These three colors are the primary colors of light, and all the other colors are developed by combining these three colors at various intensities (0 to 255).
That color model is an additive color system, which means that the more you add, the closer it gets to white. That is why when R = 0, G = 0, and B = 0, it creates black; when R = 255, G = 255, and B = 255, it creates white.
Before adopting any color system, it is essential to know the difference between different color modes because they help plan and optimize your design process stage.
The CMYK Color Model relates to the printing press and is also known as full-color printing or four-color printing. It is used to inject printers, mostly found in houses and offices. However, this color model is used when accuracy is not required and is used at a small scale.
The RGB Color Model relates to display, where physical printing is not needed. RGB is the primary color of light and is used in monitors, television screens, cameras, and digital cameras.
Several online tools are available that facilitate you to convert RGB color values to CMYK color value. To convert physical printing into digital form, you need the CMYK to RGB conversion.
To convert the CMYK color values to RGB color values, perform the following steps.
Note: You can also convert RGB color values to CMYK color values using the RGB to CMYK Color Converter Tool.