


HEX to CMYK Color Converter is a free online browser-based color conversion tool that instantly converts HEX color code to CMYK color value.

What is HEX Color Model?

In HEX Color Model, the color is represented in hexadecimal form. The color starts with the hashtag (#) symbol, followed by six letters: alphabets, numbers, or the combination of both, defined by its mix of Red, Green, and Blue. The HEX Color Model is the shorthand of the RGB Color Model. And it is preferred over the RGB color values when you have to use the color in web designing.

In HEX Color Code, the six letters represent the Red, Green, and Blue. The first two letters represent Red, the next two letters represent Green, and the last two letters represent Blue. The HEX Color value is a single code and comfortable for the developers to understand. Otherwise, both models give you the same results.

What is CMYK Color Model?

The CMYK Color Model is a subtractive color model, which means the more you add, the more you get closer to Black. In that color model, the C represents Cyan, M represents Magenta, Y represents Yellow, and K represents Black, ranging from 0 to 100 percent.

These four colors are used in press printing and are also called four-color printing. And you can make up to 16,000 different color combinations.

By adding an equal proportion of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow, you should get pure Black. But that is not possible because of the color impurities.

If you look closely at CMYK printing, you will see the tiny dots overlapping with each other.

In CMYK, K is used to define the Black color. The Black plate is the key plate on which the other three shades are aligned, but B was already used in RGB to describe the Blue color, so K is used to define the Black in CMYK Color Model.

HEX Color Model vs. CMYK Color Model

The HEX Color Model is the shorthand form of the RGB Color Model and is widely used by programmers in web designing. It is also known as HTML Color Codes. More importantly, the color model is used for display purposes on the screen, but not for printing purposes, and is an additive color system, which means the more you add, the more you get closer to Black.

The CMYK Color Model is used in the printing press and not to display the things on the screen. But that color model is used on a small scale, mainly in the inject color printers you use in your house and offices. And where the accuracy is not that much needed. The CMYK Color Model is a subtractive color model, which means the more you add, the more you get closer to Black.

How to convert the HEX Color Code to CMYK Color Value using an online HEX to CMYK Color Converter?

Today, several online tools are available that facilitate you to convert the HEX Color Code to CMYK Color Value.

For converting the HEX color code to the CMYK color value, do the following steps.

  • Open the HEX to CMYK Color Converter Online Tool.
  • Enter the HEX color code.
  • You can also use the "color palette" for selecting the required color.
  • Click on the "Convert to CMYK" button.
  • It will convert the HEX color code to the CMYK color values. The C, M, Y, K are the percent values of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black, ranging from 0 to 100 percent.
  • Click on the "Copy" button and paste it into the desired location.
  • In the end, a list of a wide range of commonly used colors is given—their name. HEX, RGB, HSV, and CMYK color codes are given in front of each color.
  • The search facility is also provided to search the color by using its color name, HEX, RGB, HSV, or CMYK color codes value.

Note: You can also convert CMYK color value to HEX color code using CMYK to HEX Color Converter Tool.