
Number System Converter



The number system converter tool supports conversions between binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and other bases. You can easily convert numbers to and from these systems, as well as between any base.

What Is the Number System?

The number or numeral system is a system to express, represent, and write the number. In mathematics, each number is expressed concerning its base value. The base value can be the digit or digits, or it can be the combination of digits and letters used to express the value of the number in any given number system.

That is why the same number has a different value representation based on its base value.

Types of Number Systems

In mathematics, there are several types of number systems. But the most common are

  • Binary number system
  • Octal number system
  • Decimal number system
  • Hexadecimal number system

Why Are Number Systems Necessary?

The number system plays an essential role in understanding the digital system process. Similarly, a computer uses a binary number system, 0 and 1, to simplify the calculation. The number system helps you to represent the number in a simple, small symbol set.

Number system and base value

As we discussed above, each number is expressed in relation to its base value. So

  • Unary number system (Base-1)
  • Binary number system (Base-2)
  • Ternary number system (Base-3)
  • Quaternary number system (Base-4)
  • Quinary number system (Base-5)
  • Senary number system (Base-6)
  • Septenary number system (Base-7)
  • Octal number system (Base-8)
  • Nonary number system (Base-9)
  • Decimal / Denary number system (Base-10)
  • Undecimal number system (Base-11)
  • Duodecimal number system (Base-12)
  • Tridecimal number system (Base-13)
  • Tetradecimal number system (Base-14)
  • Pentadecimal number system (Base-15)
  • Hexadecimal number system (Base-16)
  • Heptadecimal number system (Base-17)
  • Octodecimal number system (Base-18)
  • Enneadecimal number system (Base-19)
  • Vigesimal number system (Base-20)
  • Unvigesimal number system (Base-21)
  • Duovigesimal number system (Base-22)
  • Trivigesimal number system (Base-23)
  • Tetravigesimal number system (Base-24)
  • Pentavigesimal number system (Base-25)
  • Hexavigesimal number system (Base-26)
  • Heptavigesimal Septemvigesimal number system (Base-27)
  • Octovigesimal number system (Base-28)
  • Enneavigesimal number system (Base-29)
  • Trigesimal number system (Base-30)
  • Untrigesimal number system (Base-31)
  • Duotrigesimal number system (Base-32)
  • Tritrigesimal number system (Base-33)
  • Tetratrigesimal number system (Base-34)
  • Pentatrigesimal number system (Base-35)
  • Hexatrigesimal number system (Base-36)

How to Use the Number System Converter for Base Conversions?

Manual conversion from one number system to another is time-consuming. An online number system converter tool makes it possible to convert to and from one number system to another.

To do this, follow the steps below.

  • Open the online number system converter tool.
  • In the "From" column, kindly enter the number and select the base value (The different number systems are given based on their base value).
  • In the "To" column, kindly choose the base value.
  • The number system converter tool automatically converts the number and gives you the answer quickly.
  • Please copy the answer and paste it into the desired location.