
Binary to Octal Converter

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The binary to octal converter quickly converts any binary number to its equivalent base-8 number.

What Is a Binary Number System?

A binary number system is a type of number system that deals with zero and one numeric value. This system is known as a base-2 system because its numbers represent only 0s and 1s.

What Is an Octal Number System?

An octal number system is another type of number system that deals with 0-7 numeric values. This system is also known as the base-8 number system. All the combinations of numbers in this system will be from 0 to 7, and there will not be any presence of 8 or 9 in any combination.

How to Convert Binary to Octal?

Using our binary to octal converter above, you can effortlessly convert any binary to octal. Below are a few methods for manually converting binary numbers to octal numbers.

Method 1: By Using Binary to the Octal Conversion Table

  • Take a binary number
  • Make groups of three bits of the given binary number from right to left.
  • If the final set of three bits doesn’t form a group of three, add zeros to the left.
  • Compare the values from the binary to an octal conversion table.
  • The obtained number will be the octal number.

 Below is the binary to octal table:

Binary to Octal Table
Binary  Octal
000 0
001 1
010 2
011 3
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7

Method 2: Without Using a Conversion Table

The conversion of binary to octal can also be done without using a conversion table. Follow the steps below:

Binary to octal conversion examples

Here are a few binary to octal conversion examples.

Example 1: By using Table 

Convert (11110100001)2 to an octal number.


Step 1: Make groups of three bits of the given binary number from right to left.

(11110100001)2 = 11 110 100 001

Step 2: Add a zero to the left of the first set to complete it.

(11110100001)2 = 011 110 100 001

Step 3: Compare the binary values in the conversion table and write equivalent octal values.

(11110100001)2 = 36418

Example 2: Without using Table

Convert (11010100001)2 to an octal number.


Step 1: Convert the given binary number to a decimal number.

(1101010)2 = (1 x 26) + (1 x 25) + (0 x 24) + (1 x 23) + (0 x 22) + (1 x 21) + (0 x 20)

(1101010)2 = (1 x 64) + (1 x 32) + (0 x 16) + (1 x 8) + (0 x 4) + (1 x 2) + (0 x 1)

(1101010)2 = (64) + (32) + (0) + (8) + (0) + (2) + (0)

(1101010)2 = 64 + 32 + 8 + 2

(1101010)2 = 106

Step 2: Now convert the obtained decimal number to octal.

Divided by Quotient Remainder
8 106
8 13 2
1 5

10610 = 1528


(1101010)2 = 1528

You can also use our octal to binary converter to convert any octal number into a binary number.