
Convert Octal to Decimal

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Octal to decimal converter offers an online instant conversion from an octal number value to a decimal number value.

You cannot deny the importance of numbers in your daily life. However, various number systems represent and express the numbers' value like the color system. These number systems are different from each other based on their base value. The base value can be the number or the combination of numbers and the alphabet.

Even the same number has a different value in different number systems.

Octal Number System

The Number systems are formed based on base value. Therefore, the Octal Number System is the number system with the base value of 8. It includes the eight digits; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. In that system, each digit has the weight, which is the power of 8, and the value of each digit increases eight times as we move from right to left in an octal number system. Each digit in the octal number system has a value eight times stronger than the previous one, moving from right to left.

Decimal Number System

The Decimal Number System is one of the famous number systems, and it helps in the development of science and technology. That numbering system contains ten(10) base values to express the number's value. It includes ten digits; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. In that system, each digit's position has a weight, which is the power of ten. The value of each digit increases ten times as we move right to the left in the decimal numbering system. That means that each digit in the decimal number system has a value ten times stronger than the previous one, moving from right to left.

Octal Number System vs. Decimal Number System

The first and the main difference between these two number systems is the base value. The Octal Number System has a base value of eight, while the Decimal Number System has a base value of 10. That means the exact number has a different value in these two numbering systems.

The Octal Number system used fewer digits than the Decimal Number system. The 4-bit space is required to keep each bit of decimal number; that is the disadvantage because it includes the wastage of space and time. In the case of octal, the 3-bit space is required to save each bit of octal data.

How to convert Octal to Decimal by using an online Octal to the Decimal converter?

The manual conversion from octal to decimal is a time-consuming and challenging task. For converting the number from octal to decimal, do the following steps.

  • Open the Online Octal to the Decimal Converter.
  • Copy & paste or type the amount in the "Enter Value" section.
  • Once the amount is uploaded, click on the "Convert to Decimal" button to get the result.
  • The tool will display the resulted amount in the "Result" section.
  • Please copy the resulted amount to paste it into the desired location.

Note: You can also convert decimal to octal by using an online decimal to the octal converter.