Octal to decimal converter is an easy-to-use tool that can convert octal to decimal quickly. You have to enter the value, and our tool will give the result in a fraction of a second.
In the number system, any number expressed in the base-8 numeral system is said to be an octal number. An octal number system has eight digits, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. It means all the numbers formed by the combination of 0-7 are said to be octal numbers.
All the octal numbers are represented with the power of 8. For example,
(637)8 = (6 * 82) + (3 * 81) + (7 * 80)
In the number system, any number expressed in the base-10 numeral system is said to be a decimal number. It has ten digits, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. It means all the numbers formed by the combination of 0-9 are said to be decimal numbers.
All the decimal numbers are represented with the power of 10. For example,
(987)10 = (9 * 102) + (8 * 101) + (7 * 100)
You can use our octal to decimal converter to effortlessly convert octal values to decimal values. Alternatively, if you want to convert octal to decimal manually, follow the below steps.
Let us take an example to understand it in a better way.
Convert (372)8 to a decimal number.
Step 1: Write each digit of an octal number with the power of 8.
(372)8 = (3 * 82) + (7 * 81) + (2 * 80)
Step 2: Now evaluate the exponents of 8.
(372)8 = (3 * 64) + (7 * 8) + (2 * 1)
Step 3: Multiply each exponent result by the corresponding digit
(372)8 = (192) + (56) + (2)
Step 4: Add all the resulting product values
(372)8 = 192 + 56 + 2 = 250
(372)8 = (250)10
To alter the result, you can use our decimal to octal converter.