Our decimal to octal converter is an easy to use tool for converting base-10 numbers to base-8 numbers quickly.
A decimal number is a main type of number system in which numbers are expressed in a base-10 numeral system. The decimal number contains 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 numeric digits.
The combination of 0-9 numbers is said to be the decimal number system. Each digit of a decimal number counts a power of 10. Keep in mind that if any number is written without a base, then it would be a decimal number with a base 10.
An octal number, on the other hand, is a number expressed in a base-8 numeral system. It includes the digits 0-7, which are different from the decimal system. The octal number system is the combination of 0-7 numbers. Each digit of an octal number counts as a power of 8.
The decimal to octal conversion can be done easily by using our decimal to octal converter above. For manual conversion, follow the steps below.
Below are a few examples of decimal to octal conversion.
Example 1:
Convert 34510 to an octal number.
Step 1: Divide 345 by 8.
345/8 = 43 r 1
Quotient = 43
Remainder = 1
Step 2: Divide the above obtained quotient by 8.
43/8 = 5 r 3
Quotient = 5
Remainder = 3
Step 3: Now divide the above obtained quotient by 8.
5/8 = 0 r 5
Quotient = 0
Remainder = 5
Step 4: Write the obtained remainders from bottom to top.
Step 5: Write the given decimal with its octal number.
34510 = (531)8
Example 2:
Convert 245610 to an octal number.
We’ll solve this by division method.
Divided by | Quotient | Remainder |
8 | 2456 | |
8 | 307 | 0 |
8 | 38 | 3 |
4 | 6 |
The octal number will be formed by taking the last quotient and all the remainder from bottom to top.
245610 = (4630)8
Use our octal to decimal converter if you want to convert octal numbers to decimals.