
Decimal to Octal Converter

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Decimal to Octal converter offers you the online instant conversion from decimal number value to an octal number value.

Today, we have adopted different systems to represent and express any subject. Like, to quantify any matter, we use some standard called measuring unit. In mathematics, different systems for numbers are used to express and represent the value of the number. These number systems are different from each other based on the base value.

The base value can be a digit or the combination of digits and letters used to express and represent the numeric system number. That is why each number has a different representation of its value, in other number systems, based on its base value.

Decimal Number System

In the decimal number system, the number is expressed with the base value of 10. It includes ten digits; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The position of each digit has a weight, which is the power of 10. And each digit's value increases ten times as we move right to the left in the decimal number system. That means each position in the decimal number system is ten times stronger than the previous one.

Octal Number System

In the octal number system, the number is expressed with the base value of 8. It includes 8 digits; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The position of each digit has a weight, which is the power of 8. And each digit's value increases eight times as we move right to the left in the octal number system. That means each position in the octal number system is eight times stronger than the previous one.

Decimal Number System vs. Octal Number System

If the number's base value is 10, it is called a decimal number, and if its value is 8, it is called an octal number. It means that the same number has different values in the other number system, based on its base value.

However, the octal number system uses fewer digits than the decimal and hexadecimal number systems.

The computer system and digital system use the binary number system to store the data. So 4-bit space is needed to keep each bit of decimal number. In the case of octal, the 3-bit space is needed to save each bit of octal data.

How to convert decimal to octal by using an online Decimal to the Octal converter?

The manual conversion from decimal to octal is a time-consuming and challenging task. For converting the decimal to octal, do the following steps.

  • Open the online decimal to the octal converter.
  • You can either copy and paste the amount in the "Enter Value" section. Alternatively, use the "Load from URL" or "Browse" option to upload the amount.
  • Once the amount is uploaded, click on the "Convert to Octal" button to getting the result.
  • This tool will display the resulted amount in the "Result" section.
  • Please copy the resulted amount to paste it into the desired location.
  • You can also use the "Load Sample Data" option. To check how the online decimal-to-octal conversion works.