Our decimal to hex converter is an online tool that helps you find the hexadecimal value of a decimal number with a single click.
A decimal number system is a system of representing numbers in a base-10 numeral system. This system contains 0-9 numerical digits. Each digit of a decimal number system is represented by the power of 10.
For example,
(1247)10 = (1 * 103) + (2 * 102) + (4 * 101) + (7 * 100)
A hex number system is a system of representing numbers in a base-16 numeral system. This system contains “0-9” numerical digits & “A-F” alphabets. Where A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, & F=15.
Each digit of a hexadecimal number system is represented by the power of 16.
For example,
(12A9)16 = (1 * 163) + (2 * 162) + (10 * 161) + (9 * 160)
Using our decimal to hex conversion tool is the easiest way to convert any hexadecimal number to a decimal number. If you want to do this conversion manually, follow the below steps.
Step 1: Divide the number by 16.
Step 2: Use the division quotient for the next iteration.
Step 3: Use the remainder as a hexadecimal digit
Step 4: Repeat the first three steps until the quotient becomes zero.
Step 5: The hex number will be the string of remainders from bottom to top.
Below are a few examples to help you understand this conversion better.
Example 1:
Convert 567210 to a hexadecimal number.
Step 1: Divide 5672 by 16 and note down the quotient and remainder.
5672 ÷ 16 = 354 r 8
Quotient = 354
Remainder 1 = 8
Step 2: Divide 354 by 16 and note down the quotient and remainder.
354 ÷ 16 = 22 r 2
Quotient = 22
Remainder 2 = 2
Step 3: Divide 22 by 16 and note down the quotient and remainder.
22 ÷ 16 = 1 r 6
Quotient = 1
Remainder 3 = 6
Step 4: Write down the remainder altogether from bottom to top to get hex number.
(5672)10 = (1628)16
Divided by | Quotient | Remainder |
16 | 5672 | |
16 | 354 | 8 |
16 | 22 | 2 |
1 | 6 |
(5672)10 = (1628)16
Example 2:
Convert 738910 to a hexadecimal number.
Step 1: Divide 7389 by 16 and note down the quotient and remainder.
7389 ÷ 16 = 461 r 13
Quotient = 461
Remainder 1 = 13 = D
Step 2: Divide 461 by 16 and note down the quotient and remainder.
461 ÷ 16 = 28 r 13
Quotient = 28
Remainder 2 = 13 = D
Step 3: Divide 28 by 16 and note down the quotient and remainder.
28 ÷ 16 = 1 r 12
Quotient = 1
Remainder 3 = 12 = C
Step 4: Write down the remainder altogether from bottom to top to get hex number.
(7389 )10 = (1CDD)16
Divided by | Quotient | Remainder |
16 | 7389 | |
16 | 461 | 13 |
16 | 28 | 13 |
1 | 12 |
(7389 )10 = (1CDD)16
You can also use our hex to decimal converter to revert this process.
There is another method to convert dec to hex: