Nameserver Lookup or NS Lookup tool resolves the nameservers of the given domain. The lookup result includes the Hostname and the Nameserver. Please enter a domain name to perform its NS Lookup.
All these active websites are managed and hosted on web servers. Each device connected to the Internet is given a specific numeric string identifier that is used as its identification number on the Internet. That number is known as an IP address.
The DNS (Domain Name System) plays an important role here. DNS is the largest database on the Internet, including the domain name and its IP. Without the DNS, it is impossible to route that high-volume traffic correctly.
DNS records, which are the mapping files, are maintained. When you enter the URL in the browser, the request is sent to the DNS servers, which check the DNS record, perform a lookup for DNS records, get the IP against the domain name, and send the request to the requesting server.
NS record or the Nameserver record is the type of DNS record set up through the hosting provider.
Nameservers are responsible for converting the domain name into an IP address and helping the user get to a specific website by entering an alphanumeric address rather than a numerical IP address. They are authorized on the Internet to get queries from your local computer about the location of the domain name's various services.
For example, you enter the website in your browser bar. The request is sent to the nameservers, which will return the IP address of
Each domain must have at least two nameservers in its domain registrar account. For example, in the case of, its two nameservers could be
The first nameserver is the primary one. The second nameserver, which will be used as a backup, is the secondary one.
The overall procedure is quite simple.
To find the Namerservs of the domain or perform the Nameserver Lookup or NS Lookup. Do the following steps.
Note: If the website is using Cloudflare or any other CDN service, you will get the nameservers of that CDN service provider.